4/22…5:15am…Zone 1…Mesa Ave at First St: Traffic accident. BIS Officer came across a white Ford Ranger pick-up with CO plates occupied by a WM 17-20 yrs. old just after he hit a power pole/light pole breaking the pole off at its base and breaking off the top of another power pole to the west. Power outage in the area. However, the power lines were not sparking. The BIS Officer called 911. CSFD, CSPD and Broadmoor Fire were dispatched along with city utilities. The driver stated that his wheels locked up and he could not react. CSFD arrived at 5:37 am blocking off traffic on Mesa Ave at Heather Drive. Broadmoor Fire arrived at 5:38 am blocking traffic on First street at Mesa Ave. BIS officer blocked west bound traffic on Mesa at 2nd street. CSPD arrived at 6:03 am, Colorado Springs utilities arrived at 6:12 am, stated that crews were on the way for repairs and that this would likely be an all-day repair job. The BIS Officer cleared when relieved by CSPD Officer at 6:22am.
4/22…9:21am…Zone 10…Belle Air Road: Received a call from a member of a suspicious vehicle that was seen circling the neighborhood before parking in front of a house on Plainview Road. Described as a silver Toyota or Lexus 4 door sedan by reporting person. The BIS Officer arrived at 9:28 am and observed the vehicle, silver Nissan Altima with CO plates, occupied by a WF 50/60 years old, who was on her cell phone. Female waved as the officer drove by. Officer’s assessment indicated threat or suspicion level was low. Officer parked to observe the vehicle which left the scene after just a few minutes. The reporting member was called back and advised it was likely a driver seeking an address and very low likelihood of threat or suspicious activity.
4/23…9:30am…Zone 6…Broadmoor Valley Road/Clubheights Drive: BIS officer observed a WM 40/50 years old wearing a camo shirt, grey pants, white facial hair, with a camo backpack, walk through a gap in a fence line onto a member’s property. Male was contacted and informed he was on private property and would need to leave. Male left the property walking south on Broadmoor Valley Road. Officer drove by again at 9:37 am, male was back at the fence where he entered the property earlier. Upon seeing the BIS vehicle the male walked north on Broadmoor Valley Road frequently looking back at the BIS officer. Officer observed WM finally leave the area. Cleared 10:07am.
4/23…8:34pm…Zone 10…Alta Vista Road: Received an alarm call to a member’s residence. The BIS officer arrived at 8:44 pm, the alarm was not audible, and the officer checked the exterior of the house. No signs of attempted entry, all doors and windows were secure. Attempted contact with the owner but no contact was made. Cleared at 8:50pm. Attempted follow up at later time and still unable to reach member.
4/24…Nothing reported
4/25…8:16am…Zone 7…Sixth Street: While patrolling the area, BIS Officer observed an open garage door at a member’s house. Attempted contact by phone and at the front door with no response. Nothing appeared disturbed or out of the ordinary. The officer was able to close the garage door. Cleared at 8:22am.
4/25…10:26am…Zone 3…Brown Bear Lane/Alsace Way: Received a call from a member about a suspicious male wearing a grey/green cloak, walking a bike west on Brown Bear Lane. BIS Officer arrived a few minutes later and spotted the male in front of a member’s house on High Valley Court. WM with facial hair wearing a grey robe, grey blanket, black ski mask and a gold bracelet. Male was contacted and advised that this was a dead-end street. Male thanked the officer and began talking about a “million-dollar deal” and converting to Buddhism. Male was observed leaving the area and was walking on Alsace Way towards Cheyenne Road. Cleared at 10:47am.
4/26…Nothing reported
4/27…2:21am…Zone 4…Elm Circle: BIS Officer observed a suspicious vehicle parked on Elm Circle just east of Old Broadmoor Road. The vehicle was running and was parked on the wrong side of the road. Vehicle described as a black 4 door sedan with dark tinted windows with unknown number of occupants. Unable to see the plate number clearly due to heavy rain. The BIS Officer circled around the block to pull up behind the vehicle to see the plate number, but the vehicle was gone. Checked several streets nearby and could not locate the vehicle again. Nothing unusual seemed in the area. Monitored area the remainder of the night.
4/27…4:27pm…Zone 4..Gardner Place: Received a voice mail on the office phone of a suspicious vehicle parked on Sycamore Street and Cypress Lane. Vehicle described as a silver Camry type sedan. The BIS Officer arrived at 5:00pm and found the vehicle which was a silver 4 door sedan - unknown make and model with CO plates and occupied by a WF with black hair who was looking at her phone. No contact was made. Later, the BIS Officer received another call about the same female parked in the middle of the road/driving in circles and yelling. CSPD was notified and given description of the vehicle/driver and plate number. Received a 3rd call at 5:55pm from another resident about the same vehicle who had also called CSPD. Unknown when CSPD arrived, and no other calls were made.