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Officer Reports 9/16/24 to 9/22/24

9/16…2:00 pm...Zone 10…Penrose Blvd: Received a call from a BIS member about a suspicious vehicle parked with a WM sleeping in a newer model Toyota RAV4 with CO plates. BIS officer arrived at 2:04 pm contacting a WM driver and 2 elderly females and an elderly male. Stated they were stopped for a rest after hiking around Seven Falls. No unusual activity, BIS member called back and informed why they were in the area. Officer cleared at 2:09 pm.


9/17…2:36 pm…Zone 10…Alta Vista Road: Received a call from Advanced Alarm for a burglar alarm at a member’s residence. BIS officer arrived at 2:39 pm, contacting two sprinkler system workers who shorted out the sprinkler control panel which set off the alarm. The exterior of the house was checked by the BIS officer, and all was secure - no signs of attempted entry. Advanced Alarm was called and informed of the false alarm, BIS member called with no contact, voice mail was left. Cleared at 2:45 pm.


9/17…4:30 pm…Zone 9…Colonnade Court: Received a burglar alarm at a member’s residence with multiple sensors triggered. BIS officers arrived at 4:38 pm. Two individuals in a gray BMW sedan (the homeowners) were parked near the house and were contacted by one BIS officer while the other BIS officer checked the exterior of the house. The alarm was determined to be an accidental activation. No signs of foul play. All doors and windows were secure.  Cleared at 4:44 pm.


9/18…Nothing reported.


9/19…Nothing reported.


9/20…Nothing reported.


9/21…3:31 am…Zone 2…Berthe Circle and Lake Ave: Received a voice message on the BIS office telephone number left at 2:15 am from a non-member reporting he observed a male putting rocks and tree branches in the travel portion of the traffic circle/roundabout. No description of the male given. RP stated that a truck had hit the rocks in the roadway and that he (RP) then moved the rocks out of the road. RP also stated that another individual on a motorcycle chased the perpetrator. The BIS officer checked both of the roundabouts at Berthe Circle and also Old Broadmoor Road. No rocks or tree branches were found in the roadway or on the side of the road. No obvious signs of a traffic accident or debris were evident. No other calls regarding the incident were received.


9/22…1:41 pm…Zone 6…Shoreham Circle: Received an email from a BIS member regarding his truck being burglarized at 3:20 am Sunday morning. Personal belongings and money taken from the center console. Suspect, caught on camera walking up the driveway, appeared to be a WM wearing jeans, long sleeved sweatshirt and a mask over his face. Possibly driving a small vehicle or motorcycle/scooter with one headlight brighter than the other. No other calls received of vehicles being burglarized in the area. Member had notified CSPD for a theft report. No response by BIS Officer was required or requested.

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